After a Storm Hits
Lately, we seem to be feeling Mother Nature’s wrath more frequently and strongly. Rain, hail, fierce winds and even wildfires have caused major roof damage in many communities across North America. As a homeowner, here’s what to do if your home has been damaged in a storm.
Personal safety first. Make sure all family members and pets are safe and together. Depending on the nature of the emergency and extent of the damage, you may want to leave the house or stay put (for example, in the case of a tornado, it is safer to remain in the basement than to leave the premises. In case of fire, get out as soon as possible and gather at a pre-arranged spot away from the fire.).
Call emergency services immediately if anyone requires medical attention.
Property damage. If you see felled hydro lines, call 911 or your hydro/utility company and report them. When it’s safe to go outside, inspect the damage to your home and have a reputable, professional roofing contractor come take a look as soon as possible. Call your insurance agent to report the damage and file a claim.
After an insurance adjuster determines the extent of the damage, your roof may be repaired or replaced. The roofing company will bill your insurance company if the claim is covered.